As a freelance web designer Singapore I have shared articles on web design, logo design and digital marketing, for a change I have written an article about Things to do when you are at home during this COVID - 19. In this article I have provided 10 key points which you could try to beat the boredom of staying at home.

As the coronavirus outbreak has spread across the countries, many governments have imposed travel restrictions, social distancing and circuit breaker methods to safeguard their peoples. Travel restrictions are often coped up and an alternative to continuity of business has been recommended, few may be new to the stay at home as part of the circuit breaker. Although social distancing helps to minimise the risk of contracting the virus, non essential visits and crowding may increase the risk and hence it is very vital to stay at home and avoid all non essential visits outside.
Although staying at home is not a very big deal for many home makers, working from home or staying at home for kids, professionals can be difficult. They would have run all through the year to achieve their passion, education and job, now if they are asked to sit in home they might find it difficult to cope up with the new adjustments. There might be situations where you may feel low or stressed out, this happens when we are trying to adjust to situations but all are for good and we need to extend our support to the society to break the virus chain and end the pandemic. When you are at home it is important to stay healthy which means eat right and not overeat. Eating proper portions of meals can help to boost your immune system, a moderate workout which can be carried out with social distancing or a workout at home is better. Try to learn more about the likings of your family, have fun cooking for the kids and engage them to do the household chores etc.
You can read my article on things to do while staying at home could help you to gain ideas of how you could spend time effectively and efficiently, above all plan for the future and if you have any long standing wish of starting your own business or a blog then hire a freelance web designer now and get your dreams started.
Subraa, freelance web designer in Singapore offers one stop solution for all the digital needs be it logo design Singapore, web design or SEO/SEM/SMM. Contact Subraa now at 97957890